Thursday, January 19, 2006

I have been remiss!

Somehow while writing these little documents of self-absorption I did not realize half my knitting circle links to me! So I have now found your blogs and stuck them over on my sidebar. If your not over there let me know!

I noticed Stephanie posted to my blog. I feel like I've had a brush with fame this month. I won (or lost) Wendyknits birthday contest, and now a posting from the Yarn Harlot. How cool (and nerdy that I think it's cool) is that?

Like everyone else in knitting blogland, I'm a joiner for Stephanie's "Knitting Olympics". I'm using that red laceweight for the flower basket shawl. Since I don't exactly have 'mad lace skillz' right now, I think that's going to more then enough on my plate. I *do* have some vacation days I need to take or lose. Maybe they will be during the Olympics for marathon knitting.

Forget that I tend to only watch about 2-3 hours of Olympic coverage over the two week period. I like the opening event, then pretty much pick a sport or two that catches my eye and watch that one, and that's my duty as a world citizen.


At 12:21 PM, Blogger Donna said...

Good luck in the Olympics! :-)

I need to update my sidebars, too. They are so out of date.


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